thriller narrative is an extreme cult that sacrifice humans as part of a
ritual. Character representation is important in communicating the story
clearly, Our main protagonist is a young female who seems innocent and the type
of person the audience will empathise with, also allowing our target audience
to relate to the ages of 16-30 year
olds the she is an 18 year old who is a victim to this horrific ordeal. The
antagonist is a group who abduct innocent, weak and vulnerable people. They are
built males giving the impression that they are capable of doing harm and are
scary figures in the film.
hygerta played the helpless victim murder in a what she though a random act of violence
she is tracked and monitored by the group of antagonist keeping a tab on her
actions. She wonders home after a night on the town. After binge drinking and
partying she makes a last stop for a fizzy drink oblivious to the drink being
swapped and spiked she chugs it down and falls unconscious and carried away by
the antagonists. The audience feel sorry for her as it is unclear to why she's
been abducted other than she's had a little much to drink and had a good time.
Our thriller is created conventionally with the use of having the stereotypes
of women being the victim and being the helpless and defenceless protagonist. hygerta is also
an attractive girl who will make the film nicer to watch making the audience
pay attention to what is going on on-screen.
antagonists whose identity is never revealed in the opening their goal is to
sacrifice humans who mistreat luxuries and that are weak and offer them as a
tribute through a secret ritual. Myself and Onat are conventionally male who are physically bigger and stronger.
We use our bodies to represent the antagonist character we need too also using
the conventional black attire to intimidate our victim also making the audience
fear for the protagonists safety. Onat and myself stalk and monitor donna
keeping tabs on what she is doing and prepare an attack against her. We are
seen doing this in a series of locations and in an area usually higher than
hers creating a more dominant look. Throughout the thriller we see them dressed
in all black clothing representing evil and also hoods hiding there identity
which plays a huge part in the narrative of the story. It is important that we
did this because the effect of a hidden identity on the audience places them in
an uncomfortable position which is where our thriller would like our audience
to be.
Analysing each character an looking at each trait carefully alowed me to understand and appreciate how the audience perciev the characters. aving believable and engaing charcters is important in making the feel of the film desirable.for that is what is needed to draw out the feeling of escapism.
Good start Kay but you have focused a lot of this post on your plot rather than character representation. Try and add more detail about how you want the audience to respond to your characters and how you will ensure that they do this. For example, how will they be dressed? How will they present themselves? What effect do you expect this to have on the audience?