Monday, 7 January 2013

Research: setting (Miss Heath)


Setting is an element of mise en scene that is made up of 4 other elements which are based on the set. Setting is important to highlight the the genre and complementing the genric convention at the same time. the scenes setting is important in creating the right atmosphere in illustrating the story and message.

The film romeo and juliet (1968 version) is a period drama and in this scene is set in and around an old castle. the historic monument, places the audience in the time and allows them to relate to the culture. the settings are important in making the scenes believable. as a believable setting alows the audience to take in all the information.

Using a posh hotel in a movie as a base will signify that the chacters may be dealing with wealthy  people or even havig the antagonists lair/hideout in a manson will punctuate their wealth and make the audience fear and look up to them for he may have unlimited resources.

The battle takes place in a wealthy looking tower, owned by the enemy. The fact that the building is owned by the enemy emphasizes the bravery of the daring protagonist. Also the building being a wealthy one makes the battle more interesting as the enemy may have the money to by powerful resources of defence. All the contributing factors of setting, are why the audience will question and fear for Prestons’ safety.  

In reseaching setting in films i found by watching a variety of thrillers that conventionally mysterious place are used where the audience is left baffled and left in a state of where they feel helpless. this has inspired me to use locations where it is dark and the audience wont be able to distinguish a clear location and make them feel lost and disorientated.
The dark room is conventional to a thriller and would be an ideal location for setting my own film as the minimal lighting will create an earry feel, and set an atmospher that will make the audience on edge evoking emotions of tension and fear.

This research is useful in helping identify conventions for my own thriller in terms of location and the importance of location and setting.


  1. Kay, a good discussion of the general mysterious settings for most thrillers. A clear defintion of the importance of setting within thrillers.

    To improve, I suggest that you research and add more examples of thriller specific settings and determine which settings will be most relevant to the narrative of your own thriller.

  2. Kay, please make the changes noted above to your work.
