Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Research: Costume (Miss Heath)


Costume in a film is used for establishing characters whether it be hero, villain, upper class, lower class or victim. Costume is used to represent this and make the character easier to read and determine what there goals are. it is also used to determine what genre the film is for example having old victorian dresse will mean it is a period film and characters wearing combat uniforms could mean action or war.
The character luke skywalker from the film Star Wars wears a loose fitted shirt with utility belt with white trousers and combat boots. this typicall means that the genre of the film is action sci fi due to his gadgets on utility belt loose fitting clothes meaning he needs to be nimble for a fight. Also the fact that he is wearing white represents him being a hero.
  The mysterious ghost faced killer from Scream wears a black hooded cloack with a mask hideing his identity along with gloves and black boots. not only is the black colour of his costume conventional to thrillers he is also in a cloak representing the thrilling figure of a ghost.

Officer John Mcclane wears a rough white open shirt with white vest that represent good and a hero also combat trousers this represent a strong protaganist character that is ready for action he also has a LAPD badge on a chain around his neck signifying he is an officer of the law and holds authority and power. The audience respond to his costume as a reflection of hiss attitude a rugged cop who is capable of handaling difficult situations.

Costume in this scene is conventional to its genres stereotype as the audience witness their protagonist wearing an all-white suit white shoes and white gloves. White represents good and purity so this automatically makes the audience take Preston side due to the conventional outfit. The antagonists who fight Preston however are all dressed in black leather whereas the lead antagonist in the large room wears an all-black suit with black shoes. This clearly represents how the antagonist and protagonist are opposites and are enemies.  The use of suits and leather represents wealth and uniform. This information is received by the audience, making the narrative easy to follow. When the audience see white, they associate Preston with a saviour figure in constant to the antagonists black uniform which they associate with evil.


  1. Kay, you've selected some good examples here to discuss the differences in costumes, focusing in detail on the importance of colour and what an audience can infer from the colours. and what these costumes may suggest about specific characters.

    To improve;

    Develop your discussion with further evaluation of how costume is used to create meaning and responses. What do these costumes suggest about specific characters? For example, do certain costumes represent the character as vulnerable, violent, innocent and why?

    Include a conclusion in which you consider costumes which you might use in your own trailer.

  2. Kay, please make the changes noted above to your work.
