Sunday, 4 November 2012

Research: Opening credits & Typography (miss Heath)

Opening credits

openig credits are te pieces of written information used at the begining of a film to introduce the starring lead actor(s) and main crew in creating th film e.g producer and director. An effective opening will display sounds to intensify the mood creating an appropriate atmospher and shots that dont make complete sense leaving the audience intreaged as to what is happening.

The "Se7en" opening use all the criteria to making an outstanding opening credits due to a quality variety of distorting sounds and images, including fonts in the written credits. the use of low key lighting is apparent throughout the opening. This being used tells the audience what to expect as the distorting, mysterious shots and low key lighting are all popular conventions of the thriller genres. however the quick cuts do not allow the audience to keep hold of whats going on and as a result leave them guessing wanting to know more.
The audience is additionaly shown the main cast of the film advertising the big hollywood stars adding to the hyped up expectation of the film. these factors all contribute to intensifying the tension built into the opening.
These openining credits also show hints to what the film will involve but only small glimpses. for example there are shots of religious symbols blades and pictures all in small cuts placed throughout the start confusing the audience. seeing this allows the audience to infer what kind of themes will appear in te film allowing the viewer to prepare themeselves.


typography is everything to do with the format of the text. for example colour, size, location and order the text wil appear. the style of font used in "se7en" is diffrent and strange following the generic convention of distortian in a thriller.

Stigmata is a thriller film with the sub genre religion, making it conventional to have the text in an old fashion font from a bible or religious book. The words on screen are from what appears to be bible passags that then mold together  and creates the name of the media institution actors name or crew member. This is effective as its a genric convention and makes the audience engage more as the feel the build up increase.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Research: Iconography (miss Heath)


Iconography is 1 element of mise en scene and is all the props used on stage to create a detailed atmosphere. Iconography is used in a variety of ways to communicate the message of a scene. for examle having a bare room with a candle can show some sort of entrappment. iconography can be anything from weapons, rubble, trees, buildings, cutlery, gadgets and even blood. 

Iconography in the house of mirrors scene is extremely conventional to the action thriller genre. We have the use of swords guns and blood. In this shot the iconography excels due to how the detailed props are littered around the room. In this one shot we see dead bodies on the floor swords lying around and a gun. The props give the impression of a chaotic battlefield and are what illustrates the aftermath of the occurred assault. Setting is the glue to this scene as the set is a wealthy looking tower owned by the enemy. The fact that the building is owned by the enemy emphasizes the bravery of the daring protagonist. Also the building being a wealthy one makes the battle more interesting as the enemy may have the money to by powerful resources of defence. All these factors this setting contains add up to the reason why the audience will question John Prestons’ safety.

iconography in this shot is all the more significant due to empty setting.the use of uns shows a battle and struggle and effectively portraits this to the audience making the viewer feel a surge of excitement and adrenaline due to this high tension scene. 

the role of iconography in this clip is very important as we see the placing of objects playing a huge part in creating an exciting scene. smashed glass on the floor of the scene is used to create a dangerous eniroment making the characters in the area apear daring and brave. the audience respond to this with fear and concern for the protaginsts safety.
another key prop used in this scene would  be what the scene is based around and is the injection gun. as the antidote is inside a gun apparatus means that the chemical is powerful as well as important. this allows the audience to question the importance of the object and the velocity of the situation the gun has brought this then amplifies the tension in the scene.

the implications of iconography i will take away to use in the producing of my own thriller would be that every prop on screen should need a meaning and how the message may be changed if there is a misplaced object